Whether village development concept, integrated municipal development conceptor integrated urban development concept: all of these have been established terms in urban development in Germany for years. The common denominator for you: integrated development concepts that either address the municipal district areas, urban districts, the whole town or the entire borough. The goal of integrated development concepts is to identify sustainable perspectives and achievable goals for towns and municipalities and convert them into practical fields of action and measures. Our comprehensive analyses consider the special capabilities and opportunities, but also the constraints and restrictions in the respective areas of development. We develop guidelines, concepts and implementation strategies on this basis. In close coordination with the municipalities, their citizens and other project stakeholders, we identify development opportunities, plan projects and provide support for their implementation.
- Stock taking and analysis of the current situation
- Organisation and implementation of bespoke stakeholder procedures
- Establishment and control of communication structures
- Development of a mission statement and guidelines
- Development of spatial, structural and social solution strategies
- Preparation of an integrated development concept including the development of specialised planning areas
- Performance of accompanying press and public relations work
weyer spezial: Urban development and urban planning
The basic conditions and prerequisites are always different in every municipality and in every neighbourhood and must therefore always be considered individually and in their interactions. And that’s what we are all about! Successful consulting in urban development means to show reliable and resilient solutions to the manifold problems and thus to work methodically well-founded and practice-oriented from one source. According to this philosophy, we offer with our interdisciplinary team of urban planners, architects…
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