The weyer group handles more than 1,000 projects annually, has enormous know-how at its disposal and is always at the cutting edge of technology thanks to its practical application of this know-how. Our clients benefit from this considerable wealth of experience in highly specialised and bespoke seminars, workshops and training courses. You can find an overview of the current events and seminars from the weyer group here.
You can find an overview of our in-house training courses here.
Our events in 2020
CANCELLED: 18 June 2020 - Colloquium of the weyer group
Dear customers and business partners,
The current situation in the country unfortunately forces us to cancel the colloquium for your and our safety. There will be no alternative date. We thank you for your understanding and wish you a peaceful time. Stay healthy!
Your team of the weyer gruppe
Rescheduled to week 18/2021: Colloquium and 30th anniversary of weyer IngenieurPartner
Due to the Corona crisis the celebrations will be postponed to the:
calendar week 18 in 2021
Further information will follow.