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BDO Technik- und Umweltconsulting GmbH

Die BDO Technik- und Umweltconsulting GmbH (BDO TUC) is a joint subsidiary of BDO AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft and PROBIOTEC GmbH, and a member of the weyer group. At BDO TUC, teams of engineers, auditors and business consultants have been working together for the public sector (ministries and municipalities) and commercial operators since 1996. The cooperation between practically experienced construction and process engineers and business economists, reinforced by experts in business valuation from BDO AG and lawyers from BDO Legal, addresses all the specialist areas that need to be covered in project-specific teams. We furnish you with reliable evaluations and overall concepts for your project, reorganisation, project revision or technical compliance questions. Talk to us today!

Our Services

  • Verification of procurement practices on behalf of state institutions (audit offices, ministries, etc.)
  • Management of tenders from contracting authorities and private clients,
  • Supervision of construction work and performance of the construction controlling
  • Advisory and support in setting up in-house construction controlling
  • Implementation of construction revisions to uncover “system errors”
  • Advice and support in setting up an in-house construction revision

Verification contents according to the Renewable Energies Act (EEG) from July 21, 2004:

  • Amount of energy absorbed in the network (-> compensation claim by the producer)
  • Electricity supplies to end consumers in your own network area
  • Electricity supplies to end consumers in external networks
  • Electricity deliveries by external network operators to end consumers in the client’s network
  • Assumptions for calculating differential costs

Audit contents in accordance with the Combined Heat and Power Act (KWK-G) of March 19, 2002:

  • Verification of the correct application of the bases for calculation from the expert report
  • Random verification of the transfer of records, other company records and recording data into the calculation matrices
  • Comparison of the calculation results with billing documents
  • Plausibility of the overall quantity statements
  • Comparison of the quantity structure from the Combined Heat and Power Act audit with the basic data in the annual audit report from the WP

Environmental due diligence:

  • Compliance check on the risk presented by mandatory environmental protection expenses (e.g. retrofitting for emission control)
  • Liability risks for “contaminated sites”
  • Development of recommendations for risk management
  • Approval questions in relation to economic action plans

Technical due diligence:

  • Technical status of production processes and systems
  • Building condition assessment and repair and maintenance cost forecast
  • Capacity and utilisation of technical facilities
  • Process Efficiency
  • Safety Aspects
  • Fire protection, explosion protection
  • Product specification and quality; quality management
  • Personnel
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the location
  • Examination of existing follow-up control obligations (e.g. for dismantling plants acc. to the Federal Emission Control Act (BImSchG), Federal Mining (Act BBergG) or follow-up control according to the Closed Cycle and Waste Management Act (KrW./AbfG); examination on the merits
  • Examination of the existing risk provisioning in terms of the amount
  • Revision and, if necessary, development of new decommissioning or follow-up control scenarios
  • Cost forecasts for deconstruction, securing, monitoring etc.
  • Model process calculations in scenarios
  • Preparation of expert reports


BDO Technik- und Umweltconsulting GmbH
Georg-Glock-Straße 8
40474 Düsseldorf

Phone:  +49 (0) 24 21 – 69 09 3 – 0
Fax:  +49 (0) 24 21 – 69 09 3 – 401
E-Mail: info@weyer-gruppe.com
Internet: www.bdo-tuc.de

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    Our team

    Employee photo of Dr. Kai Steffens of BDO TUC GmbH und PROBIOTEC GmbH

    Dr. Kai Steffens

    Managing Director
    Employee photo Andreas Graef of BDO AG

    Dr. Andreas Graef

    Managing Director

    Headquarters of theBDO Technik- und Umweltconsulting GmbH

    Navigationsadresse: Georg-Glock-Straße 8, 40474 Düsseldorf

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    Navigationsaddress: Schilllingsstraße 335, 52355 Düren

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