When storing gases in gas cylinders, gas bundles or tanks, a number of things must already be taken into account when designing the storage facility so that the storage complies with the legal requirements. The basis is TRGS 510, which was last amended in December 2020. Companies are obliged to take the current regulations into account so that the safety measures always correspond to the state of the art. The TRGS is published by the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (Baua) and can be viewed there.
If you have a gas cylinder storage facility on your premises, it must be adapted to the new TRGS 510 regulations if changes are necessary.
Scope of application
TRGS 510 applies to the storage of hazardous substances in portable containers, including storage and retrieval, transport within the warehouse and the disposal of released hazardous substances. There are various restrictions to consider depending on the quantity stored. For simpler installations with a few cylinders or bundles, you have your competent local contact – we will be happy to support you together with our partner of the
LT GASETECHNIK in the safe design and permanently safe operation of your complex installations (extensive quantities, storage of flammable / toxic / corrosive / aggressive gases and liquids).
Overall safety concept for the storage of gases
- Advice and planning regarding the design of warehouses taking into account TRGS 510
- Preparation of expert reports
- Competent support by: Specialists for occupational safety, fire protection officers, explosion protection officers, accident prevention officers, immission control officers and experts notified in accordance with §29b BImSchG
- Supply of components (gas supply, pressure regulation, mixing)
- Service
- Conducting seminars and in-house training
Our services
We undertake the risk assessment, condition and conformity testing, delivery and maintenance of complex installations:
- Advice on storage and provision of technical gases and gas mixtures, inert, oxidising, flammable, toxic, corrosive, aggressive. e.g. hydrogen, forming gases, argon, carbon dioxide, welding gases, helium, oxygen, sulphur dioxide, chlorine gas, ammonia etc.
- Approval Management
- Support with complex questions on occupational safety, storage, hazards
- Risk assessment(§ 3 BetrSichV, § 5 ArbSchG, § 7 GefStoffV, TRGS 407, TRGS 745, TRGS 726)
Support in the identification of measures for the safe provision and use of technical gases, assessment of hazards at the workplace and when handling these substances.
- Safety assessment § 15 BetrSichV Determination of inspection intervals and measures for the approval, installation and operation of systems requiring monitoring.
- Systematic hazard analyses (PAAG/HAZOP)
- Preparation and review of safety reports and concepts for the prevention of incidents in accordance with the 12th BImSchV by notified experts (in accordance with §29a BImSchG)
- Expert opinion on the determination of the appropriate safety distances in accordance with KAS-18 and KAS-32 for operating areas of the lower and upper tiers (accident facilities)
- Preparation of holistic fire protection concepts and expert opinions, escape and rescue plans according to DIN ISO 23601, fire brigade plans according to DIN 14095 and alarm and hazard prevention plans according to BImSchVor Austrian IUV.
- Fire protection training theory and practice: control of fire protection regulations, training of theoretical basics regarding fire protection with the conclusion practical handling of self-help devices (fire extinguisher etc.) with the help of a fire simulator. Carrying out evacuation exercises.
- Explosion protection document, § 6 BetrSichV Determination of explosion hazards and definition and implementation of measures to ensure explosion protection when handling flammable gases.
- Informing and instructing employees § 9 BetrSichV, § 12 ArbSchG, § 7 GefStoffV about hazards and safe handling
Recurring inspections
LT GASETECHNIK supports operators of gas supply systems with the corresponding service for the regular inspection of the gas supply system. These inspections must be carried out by “qualified persons” in accordance with the BetrSichV and documented in accordance with §11 BetrSichV. We support you with the inspection, maintenance and performance of recurring tests of gas mixers, gas mixing systems, gas pressure regulating stations, gas safety cabinets according to TRGS 407 as well as central gas supply systems also to maintain the availability of these central systems. The execution is carried out by a “competent person” for the tests for protection against pressure hazards in accordance with
- BetrSichV – Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health
- TRBS 1201 – Inspections of work equipment and systems requiring monitoring
- TRBS 1203 – Qualified persons
- Directive 2014/68/EU – Pressure Equipment Directive
- ProdSV – Pressure Equipment Ordinance
Furthermore, we carry out tests on explosion hazards in accordance with
- BetrSichV § 14 para. 1 to 3 and 6 as well as § 15,
- TRBS 1201 – Inspections of work equipment and systems requiring monitoring,
- TRBS 1203 – Qualified persons
and inspections by independent experts for holistic plant monitoring in accordance with the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG). Inspections, maintenance and repairs are carried out in accordance with DIN 31051. Our service includes the leak test and inspection of the gas system including testing for safety as well as conformity with the state of the art and the valid legal regulations according to § 4 and § 7 BetrSichV. As proof, you will receive a detailed report in accordance with §11 BetrSichV on all tests, measures and recommendations carried out.
Do you have questions about the safe design and operation of gas storage facilities?
We will be happy to advise you.
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