• Call us: +49 (0) 2421 – 69 09 10 | Send an e-Mail: info@weyer-gruppe.com

horst weyer und partner

horst weyer und partner gmbh has been active in the area of process engineering for industrial petrochemical and chemical plants and installations since 1976. Made up of experienced process engineers, natural scientists, process control engineers and business experts, the team develops, plans and implements individual projects in the areas of process and safety technology and technical informatics.

“At Weyerhof Manor, we plan and develop industrial production systems for our international customers from the chemical, pharmaceutical and mineral oil industries as well as supply and disposal systems. Backed up by more than 55 employees, we support customers in all areas ranging from concept development, engineering and approval procedures including the requisite expert reports to commissioning. For more than 40 years, everything we do has been allround smart in every regard.”

Horst and Klaus Weyer
weyer group – horst weyer und partner gmbh

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Services of horst weyer und partner gmbh

Safety at work

  • Management / organisation in health and safety at work
  • Risk assessments according to ArbSchG, BetrSichV, GefStoffV, BioStoffV
  • SiGeKo and SiGePlan according to the Construction Site Ordinance

Fire Protection

  • Fire protection concept
  • Fire risk analysis
  • Determination of the cause of fires
  • Escape and rescue route plans as well as fire brigade plans

CE Marking

  • External CE coordination
  • Risk assessments
  • Operating instructions / assembly instructions

Explosion Protection

  • Explosion protection concepts
  • Explosion protection documents according to BetrSichV
  • Verification of the suitability of equipment in potentially explosive areas
  • Determination of the cause following explosion and detonation events

Water protection

  • Initial and recurring tests in accordance with the AwSV
  • Preparation and testing of water protection concepts
  • Plant renovation and retrofitting
  • Substance classifications and determination of hazard potentials

Safety Technology

  • Preparation and review of safety reports and safety management systems
  • Systematic hazard analysis (e.g. HAZOP, PAAG, QRA)
  • Alarm and hazard planning
  • Modelling and calculation of pollutant and energy releases
  • Process Technology
  • Concept development
  • Process simulation with ChemCad, PRO/II and Aspen
  • Basic & detail engineering
  • Owners engineering
  • Assembly supervision & commissioning

ISO 9001 Certification

In 2018, horst weyer und partner gmbh was reaudited in the areas of process engineering, engineering, safety technology, expert reports and technical informatics and provided proof that the requirements of the ISO 9001: 2015 standard are met.

Logo der SGS ISO 9001 Zertifikation

horst weyer und partner gmbh in figures

Locations in Deutschland
Years of experience


horst weyer und partner gmbh
Schillingsstraße 329
D-52355 Düren

Phone: +49 (0) 24 21 – 69 09 1 – 0
Fax: +49 (0) 24 21 – 69 09 1 – 201
E-mail: info@weyer-gruppe.com

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    Nasz zespół

    Employee photo of Klaus Weyer of Horst Weyer und Partner gmbh

    Klaus Weyer

    Managing Director
    Foto von Horst Weyer der Horst Weyer gmbh

    Horst Weyer

    Managing Director
    Foto von Detlef Becker der Horst Weyer und Partner gmbh

    Detlef Becker

    Authorized signatory | Head of Administration
    Foto von Klaus Woersdoerfer der Horst Weyer und Partner gmbh

    Klaus Wörsdörfer

    Head of Consulting
    Foto von Ulrich Pynappel der Horst Weyer und Partner gmbh

    Ulrich Pynappel

    Head of Engineering
    Foto von Uwe Nachstedt der Horst Weyer und Partner gmbh

    Uwe Nachstedt

    Partner | Head of water protection

    Head office of horst weyer und partner gmbh

    Navigationsaddress: Schillingsstraße 329, D-52355 Düren

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    Further locations in Germany

    Office Hamburg / Quickborn

    Navigation address:
    Theodor-Storm-Straße 33b, D-25451 Quickborn
    Phone: +49 (0) 4106 – 64 04 20 2

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    Office Leer

    Navigation address:
    Hoher Weg 6, 26789 Leer
    Telefon: +49 (0) 491 – 20 66 96 60

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    Office Nürnberg

    Navigation address:
    Pirckheimerstraße 68, 90408 Nürnberg
    Telefon: +49 911 – 25 35 71 93

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    Buero Rhein-Main

    Navigation address:
    Senefelderstraße 2a, 63110 Rodgau
    Phone: +49 (0) 6106 – 77 30 766

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