In processes where the process control requires temperatures over 300° C, the limits of the heating systems are usually reached, so that mainly directly fired furnaces then have to be used. One of the essential conditions for safe furnace operation is compliance with the maximum pipe wall temperature specified in the course of the design. In turn, this depends on the parameters on the combustion chamber side, such as the specific heating surface load and flame geometry, as well as the parameters on the process side, such as throughput/flow velocity.
In addition to metrological monitoring of the furnace, theoretical prediction of the pipe wall temperatures in the various operating states helps to deepen the understanding of the process and hence increase the level of furnace safety. Various commercial software tools that the weyer group uses are available for performing this furnace simulation. The results of the furnace simulation can then be used for both the safety-related evaluation of the furnace and its operational optimisation.
Services in furnace simulation
- Inventory of the furnace geometry
- Simulation of existing and new control strategies
- Optimisation of the furnace’s operating point
- Pre-planning of revamps, recoiling and product changes
- Manufacturer-independent documentation
- On-site inspection of the furnace
weyer special: Furnace Simulation
In processes where the process control requires high temperatures (> 300 °C), directly fired furnaces are generally used. A distinction is made between process furnaces and refinery furnaces. The most widespread are the refinery furnaces, which are used to heat up or evaporate hydrocarbons. In a typical refinery you will find about 20 different ovens…
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