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Integrated funding advice

Operators and investors

An annual allowance of up to € 1,000,000 for research and development activities – the Research Allowance Act offers significant financial incentives for all companies. We help you to implement the steps required for receiving the allowance, complement it with other government grants and organise your research activities efficiently on an international basis. Our work does not just include financial aspects. Engineers answer technical questions about your project, demonstration optimisation options and help ensure that your project also becomes that what it is for you for the approving authorities: i.e. eligible for funding!


  • Analysis of funding potentials
  • Identification and evaluation of suitable funding programmes
  • Development of project ideas / sketches
  • Investigation of tax law issues
  • (Control of the) development of integrated implementation concepts
  • Formation of project consortia and partnerships
  • Aid and legal public procurement advice
  • Preparation of funding applications
  • Examination of the requirements and conditions in approval notices
  • Examination of the requirements and conditions in approval notices
  • Establishment of funding-compliant organisational/governance structures
  • Setup of monitoring and controlling systems
  • Implementation of monitoring and support
  • Project coordination
  • Risk and change management
  • Funding controlling
  • Development of revision-proof documentation
  • Monitoring of the where-used list
  • Support for calls for funds/proof of use
  • Implementation of first level controls
  • Accompanying controls by inspection bodies
  • Support in the defence against requests for recovery by funding agencies
  • Legal advice on exploiting the project results
  • IT system regularity check for archiving in line with the funding requirements

An annual allowance of up to €500,000 for research and development activities – the Research Allowance Act offers significant financial incentives for all companies.

With over 1,900 employees at 27 locations, BDO is one of the leading companies in Germany for auditing and audit-related services, tax consultancy and business law advice as well as advisory services.

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Technical language Research Grants Act

No cumbersome formulations, no quoting of paragraphs

Clear text for users

Understandable explanations, direct answers to your questions

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    Employee photo of Dr. Kai Steffens of BDO TUC GmbH und PROBIOTEC GmbH

    Dr.-Ing. Kai Steffens

    BDO Technik und Umweltconsulting
    Mitarbeiterfoto von Lars Günther von der BDO AG

    Lars Günther

    BDO Technik und Umweltconsulting
    Platzhalte Mitarbeiterfotos

    Daniel James Wiggins

    BDO Technik und Umweltconsulting