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As-U Gamerith-Weyer GmbH

Are you planning to build a new plant and need a trade license? Do you need help with the performance of a Sec. 82b plant inspection? Are you looking to examine procedures, systems and incidents at your company from a safety perspective? Want to make sure that your installations meet CE conformity requirements? We are also happy to help you with questions concerning the suitability of legacy devices in Ex zones or systematic hazard analyses for your special requirements. Simply ask us at As-U Gamerith-Weyer GmbH!

According to our maxim of “Only safe technical systems are productive systems”, we work out the appropriate measures for the safe and efficient operation of the production systems in cooperation with our clients.

The experience that As-U Gamerith-Weyer GmbH partially results from many years of dealing with questions concerning plant safety, fire protection, explosion protection, occupational safety and official approvals as well as their implementation in technical and operational practice. Our strengths are based on a comprehensive consideration of the safety in your plant.

Services in plant security

from As-U Gamerith-Weyer GmbH

According to 2012/18/EU (Seveso III Directive), implemented in Austrian trade law in the Trade Regulation Act (GewO 1994) and the Industrial Accident Ordinance (IUV 2015), companies that exceed certain specified volume thresholds when using hazardous substances have to implement a safety concept or prepare a safety report if the upper threshold is exceeded. This applies to the newbuild, i.e. planning a plant, as well as changes to or optimisation of a plant. The plant also needs to be checked whether it falls under these provisions in the context of Sec. 82b. The safety reports need to be updated every 5 years. Owing to the new version of the Seveso III Directive, the adaptation of GewO Sec. 8a and in particular Appendix 5 for the integration of the GHS has to be taken into account since 2015 when classifying hazardous substances. This may have changed the relevance of industrial accident law for your plant.
We would be happy to assist you in preparing or updating your full safety report, including fulfilment of the requirements for it, such as hazard identification, evaluation of the structural, technical and organisational measures to prevent serious accidents, advice on the development of additional safety precautions, and the creation and integration of an internal emergency plan or the requisite impact assessment.

Performing risk analyses is the state of the art today when planning new industrial plants or making changes to existing one. In addition to the legal requirements for the safe operation of the plant and the protection of people and the environment, the economic risk of production failures or wrecked plant components is also a requirement when performing systematic risk analyses. The methodical approach of the HAZOP analysis is well suited to assessing these risks and developing countermeasures. In addition to the HAZOP method, also known as PAAG in Germany, other methods such as fault tree analysis or check lists exist that can be used to analyse the dangers in order to be able to carry out an assessment of the risks using other tools, such as risk graphs. In order to save time and costs and still achieve the best result, it is important to choose the best possible method for the respective project. With our external moderation and implementation assistance service, you benefit from an independent and objective view of your risks, based on legal provisions, such as the Machinery Safety Ordinance 2010 (MSV 2010) or Industrial Accident Ordinance (IUV 2015), taking into account other relevant standards such as EN ISO 12100, EN IEC 61511, EN ISO 13849 and other industry-specific principles.

Major events in Europe have recently confirmed that explosion hazards constantly pose an enormous risk to enterprises.

Based on EU Directive 1992/92/EC (ATEX Operating Directive and implemented in Austrian law as the Regulation relating to Explosive Atmospheres (VEXAT)), minimum requirements apply to regulate the handling of flammable liquids, gases or dusts to protect employees from explosions. This results in the requirement to prepare an explosion protection document in which the explosion hazards must be identified and suitable countermeasures presented. If necessary, EX zones and the requisite technical and organizational measures need to be defined and carefully documented.
We provide you with support you need to develop explosion protection concepts and prepare explosion protection documents according to VEXAT, even for complex process engineering systems.

Austrian employee protection law also contains requirements for protection against the fire hazards. Fires are also responsible for a large part of the damage that occurs to operations and losses in production. In the course of building new process plants, or expanding or converting existing ones, coherent and comprehensive fire protection planning needs to be taken into account. In addition to structural and technical measures, this also includes preventive and countermeasures at an organisational level. In addition to the Austrian Technical Guidelines for Preventative Fire Protection (TRvB), other regulations, such as electrical engineering regulations or storage regulations for gases or flammable liquids, also need to be taken into account.

The use of chemicals in an operation can result in hazards for employees and the environment. The safe handling of hazardous substances is therefore an essential condition for legally compliant operation and depends, among other things, on the classification of hazardous substances, the correct storage and labelling of chemicals, compressed gas packaging and flammable liquids, and the correct instruction of employees.

We would be delighted to support you in all questions concerning the correct handling and storage of hazardous substances at your company in the sense of legally compliant and targeted management.

Operating plant law

As part of an operating plant approval process, in accordance with GewO 1994, the competent authority will check whether the planned operating plant will comply with the legal safeguards. Our long-term of experience allows us to identify these safeguards at an early stage in the approval application procedure and incorporate the required measures into the project preparation process. This means that approval procedures can be moved quickly forward and without conflict with the result that your operating plant can be approved quickly. We would be delighted to prepare the approval documents for your investment projects on your behalf.

Changes to approved plants can include both the type and its equipment such as a conversion, expansion of the plant, relocation of operating areas or the purchase of new machines, or a change in operating times. We are experienced in preparing the documents to be submitted for approval as well as dealing with the authorities and their experts and are happy to assist you in making the right choice of application.

Changes requiring approval

In the event that a significant change needs to be to an operating plant, the legislature requires notification of the changes made in accordance with Sec. 81 Industrial Code. The approval requirements and procedural rules that apply are the same as for an initial approval.

Changes requiring notification
If the changes do result in an increase or change in emissions for neighbours, then a notification procedure can also be followed. If a complaint is made, the neighbourhood stops being involved and the period the authority has to make a decision is reduced from six to just two months.

Exemption from approval

Projects that do not have a negative impact on the neighbouring area (emission neutrality in accordance with Sec 81 (2) (9) or machine replacement in accordance with Sec. 81 (2) (5) have been exempt from approval since the 2019 amendment to commercial law. Nevertheless, we still recommend contacting the approving authority in relation.

In accordance with the trade regulations, the periodic inspection of all operating plants needs to be carried out every 5 years. This means that the owner is obliged to ensure that his plant is legally compliant at regular intervals. In contrast to plants that are approved under environmental law, it is the responsibility of the operator to check whether the operating system still complies with the commercial operating system approval notices and the conditions imposed therein, as well as all other commercial regulations (e.g. Ordinance on Combustible Liquids (VbF, Cooling System Ordinance, etc.). Particular attention also needs to be paid to whether the approved plant is subject to Sec. 8a 1994 Trade Regulation Act (GewO) regarding controlling the hazards relating to serious accidents.

We would be delighted to provide you with support you need in performing the plant inspection and all tasks associated with it.

Pursuant to Directive 2010/75/EU on industrial emissions (IED), companies that pursue the industrial activities listed in Chapters II to VI that cause pollution have to comply with special requirements concerning emissions. An integrated view has to be taken, whereby a high degree of protection for the entire environment should be achieved. For some types of plants (e.g. pulp production, iron and steel production, tanneries, glass industry, cement industry), binding BAT conclusions are already available.

CE certification and technical documentation

Placing products on the market that are subject to a European conformity directive is not permitted in the European economic area without a valid CE marking in accordance with EU regulation 765/2008 and this can affect both manufacturers and operators. Section 71 (1) 1994 Trade Regulation Act (GewO) stipulates that machines, devices and parts of equipment may only be placed on the market if a declaration of conformity is available. Especially in companies where manufacturer and operator function applies at the same time, it makes sense to carry out the CE certification taking into account the Machinery Safety Ordinance (MSV 2010) and the Austrian Occupational Safety and Health Act (ASchG). CE certification includes, among other things, a risk and hazard assessment, operating instructions for the entire system, the signed EC declaration of conformity and, if applicable, explosion protection documents and work instructions. Since this is usually a very complex task for larger plants and production facilities, we are happy to offer you external support and objective help so as to quickly and legally solve all the necessary documents requirements and process steps.

The requirements for technical documentation were amended with the 2006/42/EG Machinery Directive. Nevertheless, other regulations and standards still need to be observed when preparing technical documentation. The basic standards are formed in EN ISO 82079, which deals with the preparation of instructions, and VDI 4500 on the topics of scope and content.
The generic term of technical documentation conceals a large number of document types that are required in the various departments in the company, and at the interfaces between individual company departments, and more than anything else, the interface to the end user or customer. It should be noted that different requirements for the content exist depending on the type of documentation.
Use our experience in this area to generate new documents efficiently or revise existing ones in compliance with the statutory provisions and standards. Take advantage of external support to make sure you avoid personnel bottlenecks and trust us when it comes to selecting the mandatory contents of your documentation.

Safety at work

The most important basic requirements for protecting employees at production and manufacturing companies come from the Occupational Safety and Health Act (AschG), the Use of Work Equipment Directive (AM-VO), the Workplaces Ordinance (ASt-VO) and the Machinery Safety Ordinance (MSV 2010). Their implementation requires an analysis and evaluation of possible hazards and the taking of measures to prevent them. It therefore needs to be checked which measures (structural, technical, organizational) are required to not endanger the safety and health of employees. It should not be forgotten, however, that not only the physical, but also the psychological state of the employees is concerned here. It is the task of management to implement these requirements, and we would be more than happy to help you do so with our experience.

In order to protect people and the environment, not only are technical requirements for workplaces and work equipment relevant, but also their correct handling. To achieve this, employees need appropriate instructions and training.

For the legally compliant preparation of the requisite documents specific to your company, we have the right tools at our disposal that enable a quick and seamless implementation. As a result, we can also offer to train your employees using our external moderators in order to meet the requirements of your regularly recurring instruction needs.

The storage of hazardous chemicals can be subject to specific legal bases, e.g. the Ordinance on Combustible Liquids (VbF) or the Aerosol Packing Ordinance (APLV 2018). We would be delighted to help you create your storage concept, taking into account applicable regulations, e.g. TRGS 510 (the storage of hazardous substances in portable containers). Trust us to design your hazardous substance storage areas and define the requisite safety measures.

The work safety management has recently been regulated by ISO 45001 and deals with the systematic avoidance of work accidents. Based on this methodology and closely following the EN ISO 9001 and EN ISO 14001 standards, we can develop an integrated management system that combines all the aspects of quality management, environmental management and safety management. We would be delighted to provide you with the support you need to develop a safety management system specifically adapted to your company.


As-U Gamerith-Weyer GmbH
Industriestraße 19
4840 Vöcklabruck

Phone: +43 (0) 76 72 309 310 11
Fax: +43 (0) 76 72 309 310 15
E-Mail: office.asu@weyer-gruppe.com

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    As-U Gamerith-Weyer GmbH in figures

    Years of experience

    Our team

    Employee photo of Dr. Gernoth Gamerith of As-U Gamerith-Weyer GmbH

    Dr. Gernot Gamerith

    Managing Director
    Employee photo of Klaus Weyer of Horst Weyer und Partner gmbh

    Klaus Weyer

    Managing Director
    Employee photo of Dr. Caroline Gamerith of As-U Gamerith-Weyer GmbH

    Dr. Caroline Gamerith

    Authorized signatory
    Employee photo of Helga Gamerith of As-U Gamerith-Weyer GmbH

    Helga Gamerith


    Headquarters of As-U Gamerith-Weyer GmbH

    Navigationsaddress: Industriestraße 19, 4840 Vöcklabruck, Austria

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