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Owner's engineering

Operators and investors

Project support in owner’s engineering from development of the concept to commissioning

Every time a plant investment is realised, a competent team of building contractors is needed during the individual project phases to control and oversee the construction work.

The Owner’s Engineering team from the weyer group supports the owner as an external, independent partner in all phases ranging from the concept development to completion of the project. Complex and demanding engineering projects require knowledge and capacities for completing the project along with in-depth experience of technical solutions and up-to-date knowledge of constantly changing legislation. To this end, responsible management functions can be taken over with the help of the weyer group and technical support of the client’s project team provided.

The Owner’s Engineering team at the weyer group acts as a representative of the owner’s interests at all times, coordinates internal and external interfaces and intervenes early to counter budget and time overruns and quality deficits. In providing support for complex investment projects, the interdisciplinary character of the weyer group in engineering and consulting along with our planning and consulting experience and consulting capacity of over 170 permanent specialists have made us a reliable partner for over 40 years. We complete more than 1,000 projects every year. Our practice-oriented know-how and in-depth processing experience allows us to minimise your risks and optimise your investment.

Services in Owner’s Engineering

  • Project definition
  • Project management
  • Engineering and design supervision
  • Ensuring legally compliant construction and operation
  • Local advisory services from the weyer group in Germany, Austria, Poland and Switzerland

Frequently asked Questions – Owner’s Engineering


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weyer special: Owner's Engineering

The offer of the weyer gruppe comprises the project support from concept development to commissioning. After a project definition with feasibility study and cost estimate follows the project management. Here the plans drawn up beforehand and their implementation are monitored. In addition, the weyer gruppe checks the engineering and design during the ongoing process and ensures the legally compliant installation and operation…

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weyer spezial zum Thema owners Engineering

Our Team

Employee photo of Daniel Seifert of weyer IngenieurPartner GmbH

Daniel Seifert

weyer IngenieurPartner
Employee photo of Klaus Weyer of Horst Weyer und Partner gmbh

Klaus Weyer

horst weyer und partner
Foto von Ulrich Pynappel der Horst Weyer und Partner gmbh

Ulrich Pynappel

horst weyer und partner
Employee photo of von Thomas Knoblauch of horst weyer und partner gmbh

Thomas Knoblauch

horst weyer und partner
Employee photo of Frank Sutter of Weyer und Partner (Schweiz) AG

Frank Sutter

Weyer und Partner (Schweiz)